Safety and Health
The protection of the guests
A continuous attention
A guarantee of a peaceful holiday!
In the management of the structure and in the activity proposals, the Direction guarantees a specific attention to the protection on safety and health during teens holidays of the children and the young guests: internal training and prevention are a constant priority of the personnel. This is also done by involving minor guests with the aim of educating them in the first person to self-respect through the implementation of activities such as:
- Finding the person in charge of security within each team
- Evacuation tests of the structure
- Educational activities carried out in collaboration with institutions such as the Italian Red Cross, Fire Brigade, Carabinieri Corps and Guardia forestale
The staff engages in:

Training and prevention
- The Management holds appropriate internships to train educators for protection and safety
- The staff is confronted several times a day on activities and daily life to identify the critical points and the attention to be kept
- Educators attend technical training courses to carry out the planned activities
- All specialist activities (climbing, trekking, etc.) are carried out with the required safety material and qualified personnel
- Children and young people experiment, even for educational purposes, evacuation tests from the camp
Health protection
- The staff is constantly committed to ensuring the cleanliness, healthiness and order of the places, especially those sanitary and hygienic
- Children and young people are sensitized to the correct use of environments
- For the needs that may arise during the stay, the Management of Field makes use of the advice of a professional doctor
- Medicines and health supplies are stored in a special room with limited access
- At the camp there are staff trained with First Aid courses and with the periodic update planned
- At 15 km from the camp is the hospital with the First Aid of San Giovanni Bianco

Food safety
- The conservation and preparation of meals takes place in special rooms and in accordance with good practice and compliance with the rules
- The kitchen staff is specialized and specifically dedicated
- The field is equipped with the HACCP self-control manual
- Food suppliers are carefully chosen based on health and hygiene guarantees

Fire prevention and other risks
- The systems are manufactured in compliance with current regulations
- The lighting of the raised awnings is made of low voltage
- The Management is certified with special fire fighting courses
- The cabin is equipped with a system for detecting fumes and the expected extinguishing devices
- The Management monitors compliance with the Internal Security Plan
Good practices and surveillance
- The educators of each sub-field have two-way radios to be able to communicate promptly with the Management
- During the most demanding excursions, educators are equipped with a GPS device to monitor the route taken
- During the stay of the guests, the accesses of people to the camp are registered in special cards
- The structure has a video surveillance system for outdoor environments

- The Camp is constantly maintained to ensure the efficiency and safety of the entire structure
- The wood is selectively cut and cleaned periodically to reduce the risk of outbreaks and falling trees
- The turf is cut cyclically to reduce the risk of injury and remove noxious wild animals and pests
Your collaboration is important
The parents contribution helps us to do better!
The collaboration of parents and family is fundamental and necessary for safety and health during teens holidays and the protection of children and young people once they are at the camp … Here’s what you can do:
- remember that any sensitive, health and educational situations must be reported already during the booking process
- provide complete, clear and comprehensive information on your child
- fill in the health card in its entirety with the help of the attending doctor, on time, and deliver it in original upon arrival at the camp
- remember to give your child all the prescribed medicines necessary for any treatment to be followed
- do not underestimate the personal card and fill it out carefully
- guarantee your availability at the addresses you will provide during registration
- provide your child with all the clothing and materials required by the Management