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Summer activities

Childrens and teenagers from 7 to 14 years old

The experience of discovering

Outdoor life and fun together!

Sport, adventures and nature characterized summer activities of Campo Gulliver! In an atmosphere of joy, fun and play, engaging experiences are proposed which capture the mountain and natural opportunities of the surrounding environments. Activities are never ends in themselves, but they aim to test and stimulate the whole person, these therefore touch more aspects: manual ability and knowledge of own senses, life in nature and the physical efficiency, social education, competence and expression…


  • Knowledge of topographic maps and orienteering competitions with the use of the compass
  • Learn to use the sun, the moon and the stars, the clock and the plants for orientation
  • Climbing tests on trees and rocky walls
  • Construction and passage on the “Tibetan bridge”
  • Know about and testing the rudiments of First Aid and prevention bases in mountains
  • Tests of transmission of encrypted messages with whistles, flags and light signals


  • Knowledge and cataloging of the plant species of the region to learn how to use them
  • Recognition of animal traces and impression moulding
  • Observation of mountain animals and their habits
  • Excursions in the surrounding mountains to discover natural environments
  • Construction of meteorological stations for short-term weather forecasting


  • Preparation and competitions on the skill course
  • Animation, simulation, knowledge, reflex readiness, team and individual games
  • Archery trials, construction of the same and challenge in a medieval tournament
  • Competitions between teams in different disciplines
  • Route and race setup on pedal karts

Game and fantasy

  • Mimicry tests in adventurous night games
  • Evening bivouacs around the fire, with games, songs, dances, stories, sketches, preparation of costumes and small musical instruments
  • Experimentation of some theatrical techniques
  • Kim’s games, or knowing how to observe and deduce by training own senses
  • Train memory; touch, look, taste and interpret the world around us

Manual skill

  • Construction of small hot air balloons and kites
  • Know about fire and how to master it in safety
  • Knowledge of pioneering techniques, with assembly of the team table
  • Construction of small objects useful for everyday life
  • Construction of ovens and cooking on “camp kitchens”
  • Setting up shelters in the woods


  • Interviews of the citizenship of the valley to deepen the reality of the place
  • Carrying out of actions useful for “public affairs”, such as the creation of trail signs
  • Meeting with important public bodies, such as the Carabinieri, and knowledge of their profession
  • Testing of fire fighting techniques with the Fire Brigade
  • Knowledge of artisan works in the “Arti & Mestieri” project

All activities are carried out under the direct control of the subfield educator and in particular the more specific or optional activities, such as rock climbing and trekking, are followed by specialized personnel.


From Anna’s diary … a typical day!

Dear diary, I have just returned from Camp Gulliver! I would like to tell you about a day of those I lived with my companions, but it is really difficult … Every day was different from the other and every activity was more beautiful than the one before! However, more or less a day was so …
The morning alarm (near 8!)
What a way to start the day! An effort to get up, but the animators made it more fun: those jokers arrived on time (they were not wrong for a second!) And they woke us up with a song, out of tune but beautiful, that made us want to get out of the tent singing ourselves too! Then ten minutes of games to stretch and wake up even more, and then to wash!


Breakfast 😛
It was about 8.30am and gave us the energy for the day! Tea or milk and every day, surprise, nutella, jam, or cake … and it was nice to eat together at the team table! After eating, we brushed our teeth and then everyone tidied up the tent!


The Council of Camp…

More or less at 9.30am, the call of the animators led us to the field council … It was strange: we were all in uniform (so we were all the same) and we decided and talked about many things like the law, the rules and to discuss together if our being together and being a team was going well or if there was something we could do better … in these moments I felt really “great”!

A new adventure!
After making our decisions at the Council of the Field, every day some strange fantastic character suddenly appeared, telling us about strange places and adventures (I was all ears!), And the story never ended! It was up to us to design, build, play and venture … how much fun we had!
12.30: lunch time !!

It was noon and a half when they interrupted our business for an expected moment: lunch in the elevated tents! Games and activities made us hungry, but luckily lunch was a lot and it was good! And after washing the dishes, do you know you go to ping-pong and volleyball?

Let’s get back to business!

Between two-thirty and three (it depended on what we had to do) we resumed the activities: what adventures and battles we did … And the beauty is that they rewarded us!

Fresh and clean …

After having played that way, the time for the shower was triggered at 17.30! We all came out fresh and clean and after getting settled we prepared the games or the skits for the evening!

At 7.30pm … dinner!

After such an intense day, hunger was great and dinner was an expected appointment! After washing the dishes, free time was the occasion to tell us about the beautiful adventures experienced during the day or to conclude the preparations for the evening bivouac … to laugh and joke!

Evenings to remember!

In the evening we were together around the fire … we played, danced and sang near the forest! But not only! We often did different activities: once we watched the moon with the telescope and another we did a mimicry game!

At 11.00 pm … Goodnight

We finished the evening with the moment of thought, (there is always someone to remember or thank, or a consideration to make), then we brushed our teeth, a chat in the tent with our friends and then … Goodnight!